Saturday, December 15, 2012

This One Precious Life

My heart is broken.

My prayers, thoughts and love go to the victims of the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary and the community of Newtown, Connecticut. 

As a mother who has worked outside the home for many years I have entrusted my children, their happiness, their safety to respected teachers and caretakers. 

As I read of the bravery yesterday of those that others entrusted their children to I weep. As I empathize with parents who will never again pack a backpack, who will never again give a kiss goodbye, who will never again say have a good day I weep. As I think of the children who have been robbed of their innocence I weep. As I try to understand the path of healing the Newtown community, the families, the country must walk I weep. 

We will never make sense of what happened yesterday. I don't think we should. It is not explainable. It is not understandable. It is tragic. 

Last night I kissed my children more than usual, held them a little longer, watched each and every expression on their face, took in each and every word, laugh, coo and said a prayer of gratitude.


Yesterday reminded my husband and I that we are only as safe as those around us make us. I can do one of two things. I can either distrust and see danger around every corner or I can be an example of love, compassion and kindness and see that in others as well. 

I choose the second. 

As we draw into the holiday season with tender hearts I will walk with the Holy Spirit and draw strength from the good that does exist in this world. Thank you Vicki Soto for being a hero and saving the lives of the children you were entrusted with. Thank you to all those that lost their lives yesterday protecting the innocent. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

My deepest sympathies to the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy. 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's absolutely heart breaking. Even now with photos being released of the ones who died, it seems even more real. My heart breaks too for everyone. All we can do is pray for them. It's just so so sad.