Saturday, March 31, 2012

On My Heart

I need to say that I am humbled by those of you that commented on my post, Thoughts at Thirty Six Weeks. Thank you for sharing with me your personal walk of motherhood and letting me know that my words touched your heart.

I have struggled with the sharing of my own journey towards motherhood here on the blog because the story is not only mine to share as are many of the stories I share with my husband or my children.

I do feel its important to share this message. There are many who have experienced loss on their journey to motherhood in all stages of the journey. I know that during my own walk there were more moments than not where I felt alone, isolated and as if everyone but me was being spared this loss. If you are able to connect with that please know that you are not alone.

It has been in telling my story that I have learned first hand there are many that walk this path. I have had the honor of walking with some dear friends on their own journey and encourage you to seek out the support and love that you need. I promise it is there.

Not everyone's journey ends the same but if a family is your hearts desire then never give up hope in your heart. You will be blessed it just may not be in the time or manner that you originally planned. Here is my living proof and I can't imagine my life without this soul in it.

IMG_9076 PSE

Thank you for reading,

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