Sunday, October 5, 2008

Home Again

Thanks to Dramamine Garrett slept from San Antonio to Waco. And no, I do not drug my child for kicks. We learned the hard way last year that he gets car sick.

My dear husband did all the driving so I was able to browse some catalogs and draw up some scrapbook sketches. I hope to put those to good use soon.

The other very exciting thing I accomplished was finishing Volume 1 of the biography of Eleanor Roosevelt. I've always been drawn to her quotes and just had to learn more about her life. Right now FDR has just taken office in the midst of bank runs of 1933. I couldn't help but notice that a lot of the rhetoric could apply to our current financial crisis. I know, such a nerd.

Garrett woke up in a great mood and just played the rest of the way home.

It is so good to be home. I really don't think I'm a great vacation person. I could feel myself relaxing as we entered Dallas. I'm just a homebody at heart.


1 comment:

thekreativelife said...

Welcome home! Looks like you had a fun trip, and got lots of great pics! It's always nice to get back home again, though. ;) See you in DYL!