Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thick as Theives

The boys have been in school together since Garrett was 18 months old and we have been having very regular playdates with Jensen for about a year. Both boys are extremely comfortable with each others parents. So much so that the boys have decided they need to go home with each other after school on a regular basis.

Yesterday they both had a melt down because Jensen did not come home with Garrett. They assumed since Garrett went home with Jensen on Monday the next day was Jensen's turn.

As both boys are only children and therefore have the universe revolve around them, Kathy & I decided why not? We are actually just going to make this part of the weekly routine. Here are our superheros ruling the roost.

Seriously, I could not have planned Garrett's hand on Jensen's shoulder.

Jensen was just about to tell me to stop taking pictures!!

They made sure all the neighbor's said Hi to Spiderman & Batman.

One of their many discussions

Jensen was telling Garrett that he was not a bad guy he was a good guy.



Lee said...

Oh how I miss those days. I really should have framed those costumes. Enjoy!

Jennifer said...

Love that last photo!