Completely not interested in coloring the actual picture; his name curving everywhere with little backwards a's.

All about drawing his rendition of the cat and he added a few people in too. Not really sure if those are upside down trees on the bottom; I couldn't get him to tell me he was too excited about the cat on both sides.

I've been out of town so I'm just catching up on your LOM posts. I'm wondering whether you'd recommend the class for someone who's read the book and started to implement its ideas without the class. I'm on the fence either way, so I'm really curious if you have any advice. And, I love when kids do art; it's so fascinating to see how they view the world.
How adorable! Don't you love the way their little minds think?!
My oldest is in Kindergarten now and she's going through this phase of using every color in the crayon box to color each part of a picture. It's different . . . but I'm liking the way she's thinking outside the box and doing her own thing. She comes home with a new "rainbow" every day.
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