Tuesday, April 6, 2010


"...the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen."

This weekend we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. There will be a day when he returns that we will all be resurrected. On Sunday, I affirmed my belief in everlasting life. Dr. Scott Engle captured it in a way that made it so real.

He asked us to think of all the good in our life, to remember all the joy. Then he said to imagine, that is only the beginning.

With Garrett on my lap I found myself surrounded in memories of my little family. We had a beautiful weekend. This harmony, this goodness, this love is what I believe in & what I celebrate everyday. Not just on Easter Sunday.

While the Mexican tradition of Cascarones, confetti filled eggs, is only tied to Easter by family tradition I've always found it as such a fun way to celebrate.

Garrett was very focused on collecting a stash of eggs more so than using them!

Once he was comfortable with his stockpile the confetti started to fly.

I think my favorite part of the hunt was when he decided to get little bean with his very first confetti egg, in utero.

He adores having his Grandparents around as they play with him as only grandparents can do. This was our primary motivation to moving back to Texas three years ago. So he could create these kinds of memories.

Once all 120 eggs had been cracked, that is alot of confetti decorating our lawn, Garrett decided the festivities weren't over. Sweet Jonesy stayed very still while Garrett decorated him.

I am hoping that you had a beautiful weekend with your families!



Ruth Ayres said...

Love this post, especially when G "confettied" the little bean. So very sweet.

Even sweeter is we can both celebrate the risen Savior.

Glad to hear from you in the blog-world. You've been missed. :)

Hugs, Ruth

Anonymous said...

very sweet memories and a wonderful day. it serves us well to stop and just think of all the joy that we have.........and it is definitely only the beginning for believers. awesome.

Lee said...

So wonderful, Monica! Miss you :)

Fun Mama - Deanna said...

Those are SO cool! Are the eggs local to Texas or do you make them yourself?