Here is the layout about my Grandfather that I started on Memorial Day. The journaling is an excerpt from a letter he gave me detailing out his life story. I hope to be able to find pictures to correspond to the rest of his story and have a series in my People We Love Album.
Then the war was about to start and everyone at the age of 18 years had to register with the draft board. I knew they wouldn’t take me because of my dependents but I wanted to join the Army.
On June 13, 1941 I signed and didn’t tell them about my dependents. So they took me. The Army pay at that time was $21.00 a month. From that you had to pay for laundry and life insurance.
Everyone was complaining about the food they were serving to us that it was no good and here I was thanking God for the wonderful food he was giving us. Food that I always had the desire to eat but couldn’t afford. Mother and I used to give the best of whatever food we had to my brothers and sisters and we ate whatever was left. At that time there was no breakfast at schools or food stamps or welfare checks.
The army life was OK for me. I was very happy and enjoying my life. Now after completing my basic training I had an excellent score on the firing range. They gave me a certificate for Shays Shooter Record. So finally, I told them about my dependents. So they started taking some money from my little checks and the government started sending Mother a check. So now I was feeling better for Mom & family.
They had granted me a furlough for December 1941. I was looking forward to visit with my Mom, brothers & sisters and of course my girl friend Frances. But on December 7, 1941 they attacked Pearl Harbour. So all the furlough and soldiers that were to be discharged because they had completed their duty the President cancelled everything. Nobody could leave his post.
So they started training us everyday. At night they used to wake us up just to ask your name and Army Serial Number and if you didn’t remember your number they would keep waking you up until you learned your serial number. They told us if the enemy ever captured you that all you supposed to say.
So finally they send us to Europe we arrive at London and then to send us to Ireland to train us for the D Day at Normandy Beach Invasion and from that day I rather not remember what we went through. It was hell.
But thanks to God they send me and lot of other soldiers on a Hospital ship back to the U.S.A. But I had to still remain in the hospital for a few months after Discharge from the Army.
Here is a layout I worked on in Cape Cod. One of my projects in process right now is a photo album scrapbook of our trips to my inlaws in Port O'Conner. While working with these pictures I decided to scrap these.

Have a great Saturday!
What a WONDERFUL layout of your dad! What a STORY! THIS is what it's all about, and you've captured it simply and beautifully.
Love the design on your second one, too! Your little man is SUCH a cutie pie!
loving the pictures...let me know if you can work in a crop night this month. LAP
Awesome layouts Monica! Thanks for sharing!
Wow. Amazing. I LOVE the first layout more than I can say!
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