Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ordinary Courage, The Movement

For quite a few months I've been following Dr. Brené Brown. I am drawn to her because of her honesty & ability to put into graceful words what I am feeling.

I too have emerged from a painful awakening in 2007 and this place, right here, is where I began the rediscovery of myself. Today these words renewed my commitment to this place:

"Let’s take to the streets with our messy, imperfect, wild, stretch-marked, wonderful, heartbreaking, grace-filled, and joyful lives. I don’t care who you are or how big your house is or how perfect your life looks – EVERYONE has a story that will break your heart. Let’s tell our stories and reclaim those hearts – every single piece!"

There was alot of craftiness in February and that will continue. However, the last three days of participating in the Slice of Life challenge has roused my desire to share my life. To build community. So today I join the movement.

Won't you join me?



Jana said...

Making this choice is not easy. I have tried to live this way. The rewards, however, are TREMENDOUS. Congratulations on making this choice.

saner4 said...

Wow...powerful words. I will read them again and really meditate and study them. Thanks :)
I hope your son heals quickly too.