Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday Weigh In

Beginning: 170.1
Gain/(Loss): (.1)
Total Gain/(Loss): (6.3)

Biggest Changes: I've stopped eating when I'm full or not eating when I'm not hungry. This really applies more to meals since I struggle with snacking when I'm stressing.

Here's what went well: Even though this was a chaotic week I did not completely abandon my resolve.

Area for improvement: Due to work and home committments and rain I really didn't walk very much this week. I need to add in my Yoga so I can have a back up plan to weather.

Confessional: I am shocked the scale didn't have a bigger number. I've been peeking all week and was weighing about a pound heavier. And I was OK with that because I haven't been walking and I have not been great about eating. I've been crazy busy this last week and my routine is what suffers. It's going to be very important for me to get a handle on my schedule so I can focus heavily on the task at hand. I feel like this has taken a backseat this week and I'm not OK with that.

Here are my pictures from Month Two. The pants are different so it's a little hard to see a difference! Oh well...


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