Thursday, August 11, 2011

Crazy, Beautiful, Life



4:30 AM Alarm goes off, not happening.

5:40 AM Owen starts to cry, lay in bed waiting to see if he goes back down.

5:45 AM Get in the shower.

6:30 AM By now both boys are awake.

6:45 AM Mitch leaves for work.

7:00 AM Tweak a model for work, send some emails.

7:50 AM Breakfast has been served, boys have been clothed, lunches have been made, bags have been packed. Today there was not time for breakfast for Mom or a lunch to be made. However, coffee was consumed, of the decalf variety. We pile into the van.

8:20 AM Both boys have been respectively dropped off.

8:40 AM Buying bagels for my team as they have been working long hours all week.

9:00 AM Arrive at client site and begin the work day.

11:00 AM Realize I forgot to call a partner in the morning.

11:02 AM Receive text from Mitch that the MRI results are ready & I will need to pick up the boys.

11:05 AM Apologize sincerely to said partner.

1:00 PM Full from bagels, I have forgotten to eat. Run to client cafeteria to get lunch before they close at 1:30 PM.

1:15 PM Back to work

2:30 PM 15 minute client meeting runs an hour

3:30 PM Apologize profusely for having to wrap up the meeting so I can meet Garrett's bus on time.

3:45 PM Channeling my inner race car driver as I desperately try not to be late for Garrett.

4:05 PM Turn the corner & see children exiting the bus. Made it just in time.

4:40 PM Receive text from Mitch that his ACL is indeed torn & we are looking at surgery.
Really bummed for my active husband. He's not in the mood to cook, we are ordering Chinese out.

4:45 PM Have successfully cleaned Garrett's closet, now it is his turn to clean the rest of his room. Teamwork in action.

4:46 PM Log back into to work.

5:20 PM Mitch is home we talk about the surgery.

5:30 PM Realize its almost 6PM , must go get Owen. Plauged with guilt that he is still at Montessori.

5:40 PM Receive huge smile from Owen, told once again how sweet he is.

6:00 PM Quickly realize Owen's teeth are really hurting him, nothing is making him happy.

6:30 PM Dinner

7:00 PM Bath & bedtime for Owen. I feel him relax during books and I even get a kiss from him before he goes down. Magic.

7:30 PM Just a few more emails for work on the iPad while I sit in the rocker waiting for him to go to sleep.

8:00 PM Bedtime for Garrett. He reads me a book about a raccoon and a badger bully. Feel myself completely relax during our 5 minutes of snuggles.

8:45 PM Oops fell asleep with Garrett

8:46 PM Visit with Mitch and chit chat about nonsense. Did you know Colorado's high's were in the 70's. Hmph.

9:00 PM Back to work

10:00 PM Bedtime for Mitch. Follow him to ask him if he knew the stock market was tanking. I really do have my head stuck in the sand.

11:00 PM Owen is crying. Knowing that his teeth are hurting I rock him back to sleep.

11:30 PM Back to work, again.

12: 45 AM Time to go to bed

12:46 AM While exhausted by my crazy life it is a beautiful life & I am happier now than I have ever been. Must document this full day where I felt just a little like an imperfectly perfect superwoman.

1:03 AM Decide this post needs a picture. Pull one from our impromptu play in the sprinkler yesterday.

1:17 AM Really time to go to bed before I rinse, wash & repeat in a few hours.


1 comment:

Jim Taylor said...

Thanks for sharing thhis