Monday, December 29, 2008

I Have

a hard time letting go of Christmas.

I'm just not ready to let the magic go and I learned last night as Garrett typed a letter to Santa that neither is he.

Dear Santa Claus,

What are you doing? It's not Christmas anymore but I want it to be Christmas everyday. Dear Santa Claus I want you to make it Christmas everyday. OK Santa?

So I haven't even begun to take down my Christmas decorations. I want the magic to last just a little bit longer.



Jennifer said...

Bah humbug to anyone who says you have to start taking down the Christmas decorations already!Stretch it out as long as you want to.

We usually leave ours up until the weekend after New Year's, but with my insane work schedule, we'll probably leave them up even longer this year. I think as long as everything is packed away by Inauguration Day, we're good!

Lee said...

Alas, our decorations are packed and put away until next year. The best part (and purpose) of Boxing Day! I figure I can have the spirit of the holiday in my heart the other 364 days a year, right? Or, you can always keep your decorations up. I just like having less to dust - or have a heart attack each time the kids pick up!