Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday Weigh In

Beginning: 170.1
Gain/(Loss): 1.2
Total Gain/(Loss): (4.9)

Biggest Changes: On Monday I started to refocus on my weight loss after what feels like a two week hiatus.

Here's what went well: Since I've refocused myself I have walked everyday. I'm going back to the get up and get out the door mantra. So, its only been a mile each day but at least I'm moving.

Area for improvement: I need to get back my diligence and focus on weight loss.

Confessional: I do believe the last few weeks caught up with me this week. I am a little surprised though because I weighed myself on Monday at 163.8 Bummed that I've lost my 6 lb total loss. Blogging about this adds a bit of pressure to have at least a little loss every week and I need to let go of that. I need to focus on keeping my committment and then the loss will come with consistency.


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